02 810 8892-6

Product: Online System

The new construction projects found every day at iCONS

All projects are daily reported on website covering the government and private projects nationwide with the value from Baht 4 million. The reports cover all stages from design, documentation, bidding, bidding results, to the construction.

Type of data
Reported via website
With the value of over Baht 4 million per project
Projects Stages
Conceptualization, design competition, design, documentation, bidding, bidding results, and construction
Report frequency
Outstanding features
- The projects can be viewed through maps
- Record and assignment system available
- Project search system
- Contact person search system
- Sales report system
"Easy to use, convenient, and truly effective"
"Our information will enhance your sales and marketing efficiency. Easy to use with the sales management, you can conveniently and quickly access the in-depth information."
iCONS Marketing